I made most of these objects during a Center for Land Use Interpretation residency in Wendover, Utah in 1999. I was leaving Los Angeles for New York and I did the residency on the way. Six of these were acquired by Paul Allen from Roy Boyd. It was a confusing time for me with everything in flux. There are about 25 objects this series and I’m not sure which ones Allen acquired and which ones went to other people.
Antenna 2, copper alloy wire, enamel, 8″x6″ 1999.Antenna 11, copper and alloy wire, enamel, 8.5″x5″, 1999Antenna 4, copper and alloy wire, enamel, 7.5″x10″, 1999.Antenna 3 and 3.1, copper and alloy wire, enamel, each 4″x4″, 1999.Antenna 5, copper and alloy wire, enamel, 8.5″x6.5″, 1999.Antenna 8, copper and alloy wire, enamel, 6″x6″, 1999.Antenna 10, copper and alloy wire, enamel, 7″x8″, 1999.Antenna 9, copper and alloy wire, enamel, 6″x4.5″, 1999.Antenna 7, copper and alloy wire, enamel, 5.5″x7″, 1999.Antenna 6, copper and alloy wire, enamel, 3.5″x8″, 1999.